Lately, I've been launching many new campaigns on Zeropark, it's common for me to buy traffic from there often but recently my developer and I have been testing more automation tools and so I've launched a TON of campaigns to test different things. I was chatting with someone on Skype not too long ago and I was sharing with them one method that I used to get a new sweepstakes campaign profitable on Zeropark. To my surprise, he was unaware of this option for Zeropark so I figure that some of my readers may not know about it as well. Now, just to be transparent, I have no direct relationship with Zeropark other than as an affiliate who runs campaigns - meaning they aren't paying me to write about them in any way. But I also know that their platform could benefit by having a few more ...
One Secret Method to Triple the Conversion Rate of Your Landing Page
So this is going to be a short post but I really wanted to share one of the secret methods that I use when trying to optimizing a mobile popunder campaign. This is an insider trick (but super simple) that I use often and it usually has a positive impact on my campaign performance. At the time of writing this post I have just concluded another round of testing on a new campaign where this tip I'm about to share literally tripled the conversion rate of my best performing landing page. If you don't realize how significant that is, let me explain it for you in simple terms - that is the difference in a failing campaign that has no hope and turning it around to a break even campaign with hope for turning it profitable very quickly. How Did I Find This Sweet Trick? Let me outline what ...